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Colorado Verification Application


Earn a VERIFIED Supplier Badge on Sustainment! This badge represents that an independent, expert from a state Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) has reviewed the information presented on a manufacturer's profile and confirmed that it is consistent with that manufacturer's actual capabilities, certifications, and/or other specified criteria. Submit your request today and join the ranks of our verified supplier community! 

  1. Fill out and submit the form on this page
  2. A qualified expert from Manufacturer's Edge, a founding member of the Colorado Manufacturing Network will contact you to set up an onsite visit
  3. Upon successful completion, the verified supplier badge will be added to your Sustainment profile




Manufacturer's Edge, the Manufacturing Extension Partner for the state of Colorado, has partnered with Sustainment to bring you the Colorado Manufacturing Network. The badge itself does not constitute an implied or expressed recommendation or endorsement of the company by Manufacturer's Edge nor may it be used for advertising or endorsement outside of the Colorado Manufacturing Network.

Request your verified badge today!